This food blog (though it'll probably be tangentially be about food most of the time) is so random. WHY!? D: *panics*
[17:03] [TW]: we should make a food blog
[17:03] [TW]: ;D
[17:03] [TW]: you want to?
[17:03] [TW]: ;D
[17:03] [TW]: ;D
[17:03] [TW]: ;D
[17:04] [HT]: ah
[17:04] [HT]: hehe
[17:04] [HT]: yes
[17:04] [HT]: oki
[17:04] [HT]: we'll try food
[17:04] [HT]: well
[17:04] [HT]: we'll blog on stuffs we know first
[17:04] [HT]: and then
[17:04] [HT]: later
[17:04] [HT]: on stuff we've tried together
[17:04] [HT]: :-D
[17:04] [TW]: :D
[17:04] [HT]: eating btw
[17:04] [TW]: k
[17:04] [HT]: so not very responsive
[17:04] [HT]: :-D
[17:05] [TW]: you should think of a name while you're eating
[17:05] [TW]: ;D
[17:06] [HT]: haha
[17:06] [HT]: ok
[17:06] [HT]: well
[17:06] [HT]: epicurious has already been taken
[17:06] [TW]: im hungry
[17:06] [HT]: ....
[17:06] [HT]: good eats has been taken
[17:06] [TW]: i think i'm going to eat 5 tacos again
[17:06] [HT]: haha
[17:06] [HT]: .........
[17:07] [HT]: wow
[17:07] [HT]: really?
[17:07] [HT]: you can eat that many tacos?
[17:07] [TW]: Bunny Flavored Mashed Potatoes
[17:07] [HT]: i don't think I can
[17:07] [TW]: haha
[17:07] [TW]: *patpat*
[17:07] [TW]: keep thinking of names
[17:07] [TW]: Mashed Wallabies
[17:07] [TW]: :P
[17:08] [TW]: Mashed Bunnies
[17:08] [HT]: mashed bunny
[17:08] [TW]: :P
[17:08] [HT]: haha
[17:08] [TW]: XP
[17:08] [HT]: wel;l
[17:08] [HT]: wallabunny
[17:08] [HT]: haha
[17:08] [TW]: ;D
[17:08] [TW]: Mashed Wallabunny
[17:08] [HT]: hahah
[17:08] [HT]: yes
[17:08] [HT]: although that might scare people a bit
[17:08] [HT]: hahahah
[17:08] [TW]: ;D
[17:08] [TW]: doesnt matter
[17:08] [TW]: we're insane anyways
[17:09] [TW]: So...
[17:09] [TW]: Mashed Wallabunny?
[17:09] [TW]: Mashed Wallabunnies?
[17:09] [TW]: or another name?
[17:11] [HT]: idk
[17:11] [HT]: w/e you want
[17:11] [HT]: :-D
[17:15] [HT]: I've eaten two banh gios
[17:15] [HT]: omfg
[17:15] [HT]: it's so good
[17:15] [HT]: i would eat another one, but I think that'll be overkill
[17:15] [TW]: heh
[17:15] [TW]: wait
[17:15] [TW]: did you say FRESH mooncake the other day?
[17:16] [HT]: yes
[17:16] [HT]: homemade
[17:16] [TW]: :O
[17:16] [TW]: :O
[17:16] [TW]: :O
[17:16] [HT]: yeah
[17:16] [HT]: didn't i trll you about that?
[17:16] [HT]: *tell
[17:16] [TW]: you did
[17:17] [TW]: but i didnt realize it until today
[17:17] [TW]: :O
[17:17] [HT]: ......
[17:17] [TW]: :O
[17:17] [HT]: wth tracy
[17:17] [TW]: hmm?
[17:17] [TW]: i'm slow.
[17:17] [HT]: well
[17:17] [HT]: it
[17:17] [HT]: 'sis the kind
[17:17] [HT]: with the nuts
[17:17] [HT]: and the sausage
[17:17] [HT]: and the weird stuffs
[17:17] [HT]: ehhhh
[17:17] [HT]: I like the sausage
[17:17] [HT]: and the egg, but that's about it
[17:17] [HT]: haha
[17:17] [HT]: but that means I hate all the sweet stuffs
[17:17] [HT]: hhaha
[17:18] [TW]: heh
[17:19] [HT]: I ate the freshest one
[17:19] [HT]: the other ones
[17:19] [HT]: are those that I put in the fridge
[17:19] [HT]: 'cause
[17:19] [HT]: my family didn't put preservatives
[17:19] [HT]: so
[17:19] [TW]: heh
[17:19] [HT]: if it stays outside
[17:19] [HT]: it'll go bad
[17:19] [HT]: ...
[17:19] [HT]: so I have to nuke it
[17:19] [HT]: and then eat
[17:19] [HT]: haha
[17:19] [HT]: idk
[17:19] [TW]: ;_;
[17:19] [HT]: but my aunts and my mom made them
[17:19] [HT]: while I was at school
[17:19] [HT]: and brought me some
[17:19] [HT]: the newest one
[17:19] [TW]: *holds sign* [feed meee ;_;]
[17:20] [HT]: which I've been eating the last two days
[17:20] [HT]: is the best
[17:20] [HT]: the other ones, which was from the first time
[17:20] [HT]: are still in my fridge
[17:20] [HT]: hahaha
[17:20] [TW]: ;_;
[17:20] [HT]: I have 4 from the first time
[17:20] [TW]: *hungryhungry*
[17:20] [HT]: stacy and I ate the mung bean one
[17:20] [TW]: i'll help you finish
[17:20] [TW]: ;D
[17:20] [TW]: ;D
[17:20] [TW]: ;D
[17:20] [TW]: ;D
[17:20] [HT]: awww
[17:20] [HT]: it's not fresh, though
[17:20] [HT]: and the first installment was kind bad
[17:20] [HT]: ...
[17:21] [TW]: *shrug*
[17:21] [TW]: *hungry*
[17:21] [TW]: ;_;
[17:21] [HT]: well
[17:21] [HT]: do you want me to bring it on monday?
[17:21] [HT]: and see if we can still eat it?
[17:21] [TW]: your choice
[17:21] [TW]: :P
[17:21] [HT]: ok
[17:21] [TW]: i'm having 5 tacos after this class
[17:21] [HT]: I'm not into mooncake anyway
[17:21] [TW]: me neither
[17:21] [TW]: :P
[17:21] [HT]: haha
[17:21] [HT]: I'll bring one then
[17:21] [TW]: heehee
[17:21] [HT]: 'cuase i have two
[17:21] [HT]: haha
[17:21] [HT]: left
[17:21] [HT]: hmm
[17:22] [HT]: I have to brush my teeth after this
[17:22] [HT]: and get ready for band
[17:22] [HT]: 'cause my saxophone, I don' thtink, can handle
[17:22] [HT]: fish sauce
[17:22] [TW]: hahahhaha
[17:22] [HT]: and moon cake
[17:22] [TW]: X)
[17:22] [HT]: and stuff I ate the fish sauce with
[17:22] [HT]: haha
[17:22] [TW]: :P
[17:22] [TW]: food storage system
[17:22] [TW]: ;D
[17:23] [TW]: *nibbles on your chapstick*
[17:23] [TW]: mmmmm, minty
[17:23] [TW]: *still hungry*
[17:23] [TW]: ;_;
[17:24] [TW]: so which should be used for name of blog again?
[17:26] [TW]: hahahaha
[17:26] [TW]: theres a food blog named: articles of mastication
[17:28] [HT]: hehe
[17:28] [HT]: :-D
[17:28] [HT]: idk
[17:28] [HT]: whatever you want
[17:28] [HT]: mashed wallabunny is ok
[17:28] [HT]: haha
[17:28] [HT]: although that might steer people away from the thought that it's a food blog
[17:28] [TW]: the mashed wallabuny?
[17:28] [TW]: bunny*
[17:29] [TW]: food blogs:
[17:30] [HT]: ok
[17:30] [HT]: hmm
[17:30] [HT]: we're not that weird now that I've seen them
[17:30] [HT]: ....
[17:30] [HT]: wth
[17:30] [TW]: hmm?
[17:30] [HT]: trop bon?
[17:30] [HT]: haha
[17:30] [TW]: ?
[17:30] [HT]: too good?
[17:30] [HT]: haha
[17:30] [HT]: ok
[17:30] [HT]: that's weird
[17:30] [TW]: o.O
[17:30] [HT]: haha
[17:30] [HT]: brb
[17:31] [TW]: k
[17:31] [TW]: think of a good name while you're at it
[17:31] [TW]: ooooh
[17:31] [TW]: Mashed Wallabies and Spam
[17:31] [TW]: wait
[17:31] [TW]: Mashed Wallabunnies and Spam.
[17:32] [TW]: a play on mashed potatoes
[17:32] [TW]: and green eggs and ham
[17:32] [TW]: :P
[17:33] [HT]: haha
[17:33] [HT]: ok
[17:33] [HT]: ok
[17:33] [HT]: i like that
[17:33] [HT]: mashed wallabunnies and spam
[17:33] [TW]: haha
[17:34] [TW]: then what should the address be?
[17:34] [TW]: we can't be mashedwallabiesandspam.blogserverthingnamehere
[17:34] [HT]: haha
[17:34] [HT]: yeah
[17:34] [HT]: hmm
[17:34] [TW]: wallabunnies*
[17:34] [HT]: it should be something short
[17:34] [HT]: like
[17:34] [TW]: wallabunnies
[17:34] [HT]: mayonaise
[17:34] [TW]: o.O
[17:34] [HT]: hahahaha
[17:34] [TW]: how random
[17:34] [TW]: hmmm
[17:34] [HT]: I know
[17:35] [TW]: soooo
[17:35] [HT]: but I don't like mayonaise
[17:35] [HT]: so
[17:35] [TW]: mayonnaise.blogblogblog redirects to
[17:35] [HT]: let's do some food that we like
[17:35] [HT]: ok?
[17:35] [HT]: haha
[17:35] [HT]: you pick, ok?
[17:35] [HT]: I have practice
[17:35] [HT]: or maybe we can talk about it more later
[17:35] [TW]: OOOH
[17:35] [TW]: spot*
[17:35] [HT]: ok
[17:35] [HT]: haha
[17:35] [HT]: ok
[17:35] [TW]: haha
[17:35] [TW]: XD
[17:35] [HT]: XDDD
[17:35] [HT]: fishsauce
***Note: Some lines were taken out because they were of interjections that didn't relate, as random as this conversation appears to be. And no, I (TW) don't nibble on chapstick.
And if you didn't want to read all that, here's the summary:
'Mashed Wallabunnies and Spam' is a play on 'mashed potatoes' and Dr. Suess's 'Green Eggs and Ham'. Mmmm, spiced ham. However, mashedwallabunniesandspam.blogspot would've been a bit long so we wanted fishsauce.blogspot. But fishsauce.blogspot wasn't available, so our address is...
2 commentaires:
Straaaaange. ._. ;;
I think it's safe to wonder why everything else, besides your blog posts, is in a different language..?
I can't understand... ;~; answer your question, "crescy" or LW (I'm not TW, btw, but HT), it's in French.
Why? I like it, and my other blog is set this way, so when given a position in the "blog design" part of this blog's creation, I thought it'd be nice to keep it that way. :D
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